A cat can not tell his pet owners, if they can get sick, so the only way to be the owner observation.This opportunity to reveal a disease in one of the two. Or the problem of the behavior of the cat showing clinical signs or its not normal. To understand, we must be aware of what is normal for the cat in question. The greedy eaters can suddenly show a lack of interest in their food. The cat is to be less energetic. All cats sickrather quiet places where they can sleep lying down to watch.
The clinical signs of disease, some or all of the following:
1. A discharge from eyes or nose.
2. dead eyes, the HAW always very visible.
3. Dull, staring coat. A very dry skin.
4. A cat that constantly coughs or makes a hissing sound when breathing. All cats occasionally a cough, but
This differs from the constant coughing of the sick cat.
5.Vomiting. The cats often vomit after eating grass, eating food that is too rich for the stomach, or just
because they have eaten too much. This is completely different from the cat that is ill again and again, especially
a couple of times over a period of 24 hours.
6. If the cat scratches a lot, this would indicate a problem - such as parasites. Again, it must be
keep in mind that all cats like a good scratch every time.
7. The intestine The movements of a cat is usually adequately firm in structure, so if this becomes vaguely suggest
a stomach disorder or just the first sign of something more serious. If they became more fluid and perhaps
streaked with blood, this would definitely not normal.
8. When a cat suddenly begins to lose weight is something wrong.
9. When a cat suddenly starts to drink plenty of water, but he changed his diet does not, then there is a> Problem.
10. Bleeding. Each cat is bleeding from the mouth, anus, vulva, penis or something clearly
There are a number of diseases that can be a cat, but only a limited number of possibilities
that many of the clinical symptoms may point to a number of diseases. There is no way that an unauthorized person
able to diagnose the problem so that treatment.
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