
Cat Health Tips - How to basic health care professionals, their cats

You can tell if your cat is sick routine and watch his body language and I noticed no change in his daily life. observant owners can often identify signs of disease in an early stage and take the cat to the vet before the situation becomes serious.

There are many signs that your cat is ill. If it is weak and usually do not greet you when he's eating his favorite food, or if you usually simple, shiny coatfrank and open, it is likely that anxiety.

Other symptoms may include a change in his normal behavior or a change in the third eyelid or conjunctiva. Some changes in behavior are subtle and difficult to detect if we did not pay attention.

Your cat starts out normally hiss when his pet? This problem could be a sign of a uterine infection or a bladder. Your older cat shy and reticent to attack other cats, although did not cause? This is also a sign that something is wrong.

The causes can range from nothing more than a tooth infected by a tumor. And as for your three months old kitten? He stopped chasing its tail or fall on your toes? His appetite has decreased?

If so, you should as warning signals for him to see the vet. In one of the previous three months can not do more than normal childhood illnesses, but better check with your vet him.

If a> Cat is also the feeling that eats his food, uses her litter program and follows a fairly routine play and sleep. Any significant change in this routine may indicate a health problem.

The third eyelid or conjunctiva is composed of a membrane in a corner of the eye near the nose. Normally not visible in a healthy cat, but can occur if your cat is ill, in part, for the eyes. Or is it white or pink.

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