
The truth about cat food for urinary tract health

You've probably heard a hundred times in the past, if you would go to the vet is better than dry food, you control the weight and helped clean the teeth for cats. Dry food can help clean the teeth, but the supply is free of dry food the cause obesity and other diseases. It is not only the amount of dry food, is quality.

The food we feed our cats were not really wants to eat. Dry food can dry out and adding a small amount ofWater to dry food can help the water balance of the background, but the best cat food for urinary tract health are diets with high moisture content and are not fish, but meat. If your cat loves his dry food, the humidity is only 10 percent, try a mix of wet food cans and packages, and gradually increase the wet food until they eat mostly canned food.

Cats need a natural diet of raw meat, bones and organs (it was originally a small mouse orRodents). Tochter addition of meat raw meat or a switch to a health food diet Cats first would an ideal food for the cat urinary tract. A healthy diet for the cat owner would also cereals and vegetables, but cats are carnivores and are not intended, laden with eating vegetables, grains and cereals. You are meat, bones, food, bodies, along with dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins, all in perfect food for a mouse. This is impractical for adomesticated house cat, commercial products were made as well.

Now you think that the balance of pH of urine is the cause of urinary problems, manufacturers of pet food want to sell their products so they can have problems with all types of additives to avoid urine. The producer of cat food urinary tract health put acidifying the urine in the food, can cause metabolic acidosis, leading to a deterioration of renal function and a loss ofPotassium, resulting in a mineral imbalance. This kind of prevention only leads to other problems

The best urinary tract cat food in cans would be a healthy diet of raw vegetables or, if a cat eats only dry food is not diet drinks bit 'more water than a cat on a box or raw and is still only half of' water than a cat eating canned food. When a cat to eat dry food only urine is veryconcentrated, which may contribute to diseases of the urinary tract related to cats.

Cat food for the health of the urinary tract include canned or raw food, and the addition of natural immune builders, to support a healthy immune system function and especially to keep our animals healthy balance for the coming years.

Feline urinary problems - Finally! - A non-prescription treatment for Feline UTI

Learn to recognize what is normal and what is abnormal behavior in the cat sometimes takes a lot of decoding. Feline urinary problems are particularly mysterious. At first, you must know the problems, perhaps, than behavioral health issues. Here are some tips to help you find your cat and keep it healthy by natural means.

With a little 'education and observation, you can help your pet loving. First, take the time to learn what the signs of feline urinary problems, such as the urethra and bladder or conditions.

Each time an animal is suffering, it is heartbreaking to see. You may feel more vulnerable. feline urinary tract infections are accompanied by a broad spectrum of symptoms.

The good news is that if you take the first signs of infection can be treated quickly. And let's face it, we want to eliminate all pain and suffering of your cat or animal as soon as possible. One symptom is when yourCat pee> in strange places or tribes in the litter box and nothing comes out.

Unfortunately, you can also listen to your cat to cry. This is meowing like a sharp, if the cat tries to dispose of the waste will be or if you are going to take the animal. not too much to eat or vomiting can be signs of a condition such as a bacterial or bladder.

In addition, urinary problems can cause blood to appear cats pee. This can be veryfrightening spectacle. Your cat may even be a kind of constipation causes all these symptoms.

Do not hesitate to tell your veterinarian of these characters. When the cat urinary tract infections are not adequately treated, could go to the cause even more serious problems. However, you can stop by itself.

Among the many solutions are natural remedies and holistic treatments to keep your cat healthy. So how can we take vitamins or minerals, orDrinking green tea, have pets healthy foods and natural supplements. In short, do not skimp on your cat's health.

If you have problems that reduce the cat urine, consider some of the products made with ingredients of the earth, the better. Look for a blend of natural ingredients that your pet may improve function in this area. Cantharis and herbs such as Arctostaphylos uva ursi create a buzz in the risk of animal health of the community for their effectiveness.

You do not haveI want to fight with the health of your pet. This is an area where 's your cat can best support on. Would you rather not hear that horrible screaming happy purring feline urological problems? Know what to do.

The Low Down on Cat Hookworm

Eventually, the parasites your cat encounters a parasite of some sort this is the cat hookworm. In fact, there are four types of hookworms that infect cats, you can.

Ancylostoma tubaeforme, or the cat hookworm, Ancylostoma Braziliense, or dog and cat hookworm, Uncinaria stenocephala, known as the north of the canine hookworm, Ancylostoma caninum and or the canine hookworm (some authorities say that only this type of worminfected dogs, foxes and possibly humans, not cats).

Hookworm risks -

As with other internal parasites cats and hygiene are important risk factors in the environment and are much less common outdoor cats contract the worm. Cats are regularly allowed to hunt or roam are at higher risk of infection. Overcrowding and poor sanitation in shelters can help spread the worm as well. Hookworms tend to thrive in warm, moistEnvironments can be so high, the events in warmer climates. The exception to this may be seen stenocephala U., which is more common in colder climates.

What they do for your cat -

Unlike nematodes, which swim freely in the cat out of the intestine, hookworm, will be anchored, even the cat out of the intestinal wall and suck blood from tissues. In order to ensure a steady supply of blood flow and nutrients, is injected into an anticoagulantcontinue to contribute to bleeding site. Clever, is not it? One of the problems that may occur is that when the worm hook moves to its position of power to the old location to continue to bleed in the gut. All this leads to blood loss anemia.

Signs and symptoms of cat hookworms -

In kittens and cats in poor health, anemia caused by blood loss is usually more serious in otherwise healthy adults. In rare but severe cases, a blood sampleTransfusion may be required and can be life-threatening. Hook worms in your cat, one of the following symptoms: anemia, weakness, pale gums, poor coat, black tarry stools, bloody diarrhea and weight loss. infected cats may have developmental delays.

Modes of transmission and life cycle -

An animal can be infected by ingestion of larvae. This may be caused by contaminated water, soil and eating infected host transport (such as when aCat eats a rodent). The larvae can also infect your cat penetrating into the skin (usually the feet). In addition, infected mothers transmit the disease in breast milk.

You will find that unlike some parasites, hookworms have a direct life cycle. In other words, they are not necessarily shared hosting, etc..

Adult hookworms are firmly attached to the intestinal wall and start feeding. It goes under the microscope the eggs in the intestine of the catthe cat at the end of the chair. The eggs hatch and develop into larvae (immature worms). The Centers for Disease Control, which under the right conditions of humidity and temperature, eggs can develop into infective larval stage within five days. Time varies, however, and this process can take up to three weeks or so. According to most sources, the larvae can be found in the soil and remain infectious for many months.

The infection begins with skin penetration, theThe larvae migrate through the blood to the lungs. So they make their way up to the neck, where they are swallowed. Once in the intestine can mature and begin producing eggs and the cycle begins again.

In cats, infection (infection by transplacental blood flow before birth) has not been demonstrated as occurring in dogs prenatal kitten, according to some sources, can be infected, and taking the milk of infected queen(Transmammary), others something else, or that has not been established.

Cat hookworm diagnosis and treatment -

annual test for parasites of dogs, especially worms, is important because it is possible that some healthy cats may show symptoms until the infection is severe. Hookworm eggs can not be found naked eye, but the infection is fairly easy for your veterinarian to diagnose through microscopic examination of the cat under a chair. Onat least two deworming drugs are needed to completely remove your cat from hookworms. Generally, treatments are administered at intervals of 2-3 weeks. Kittens should be, and are usually treated for hookworm during his kitten primary immunization.

Obese cat health problems - solve mysteries, which

Obese cat health problems are common, tragic and unnecessary. There is no such thing as an obese cat (or any other animal) in the wild. This means that cats are overweight and health problems associated with it is all a made-human condition.

Obesity is a serious burden on the internal organs and greatly disturbs the natural functioning of your cat 's systems.

While there are more than one factor contributing to this,Nutrition is by far the largest contributor. And there are two main areas in the diet leading to obesity.

The first area is the food itself. Most cats are fed a commercial cat processed. You may think you are doing the best for your cat. But if you look at the (real, not listed) the components of most commercial cat food, you will find a high standard of very fat.

May not be very happy to hear this, but most commercial cat foodThe producers are much more their profits by about health of your cat. They spend much more for an attractive package and seductive advertising that they do on the quality of the food.

Cheap, unhealthy ingredients of the agenda. And fat is one of the cheapest ingredients around. But has little nutritional value, certainly not in high proportions.

You can reduce or eliminate your overweight cat health problems, passing thequality, homemade, raw meat and bones diet.

It is not difficult, lengthy and expensive.

The second problem is many people to leave the cat food from time to anything. Cats are not herbivores such as horses. They are meat eaters. Do not hunt all the time. Cats tend to relax after a successful hunt and a few hours of sleep.

Carnivores tend to have a lot of hunting without success. Then the digestive system is geared towards your cat some mealsinstead of many. Two meals a day is enough for all adult cats.

frequent meals, your cat bothers to 's digestive system caused problems.

Common cat health problems and solutions of great

The most common cat health problems are, fortunately, often the ones that are easier to treat, because when they shared, most of them are not so serious and harmful.

However, it is important to be careful because sometimes the most innocuous diseases can a lot of pain and damage, if untreated.

Here are some common questions that are unhealthy for cats:

Hairballs are a common problem inCats>. If you have a little furry friend probably knows that sometimes spend a lot of time cleaning and care of fur and leather. If they do, they often swallow their own hairballs hairballs and this can sometimes "Go into all the digestive tract or the cat in the cat gut '.

Most often, this argument is very serious. However, you can always contact a vet so it is always an option. Most often they will tell you to be able to determine whetherseriously.

An improvement of the cat diet and adding some additions cat diet can do wonders. In addition, cats with the help of nurses is a good solution, this will swallow less hair.

Worms are more common disorder. Cats that spend time outdoors often becomes even more exposed worms.

A trip to the vet and get some drugs in the rule of all the worms, if you get rid of roundworms, hookworms,heart worms or tape worms.

It 's a good idea to read more information about this topic. This way you can learn more about common problems are (of course there are more than just worms and hairballs) and what are the best treatment options.

If you think it necessary, you can also consult an expert or your local veterinarian and questions. Will most often these questions will be able to provide good answers.

You can alsodecide to books and reading online information see (most of it is free).

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Cat health problems and solutions

If your cat is always the friends who care for health problems should be avoided? One could say that he or she gets his shots, but receive the necessary preventive measures for cat other health problems? Learn about health problems for your cat friends, you can find it in this article.

The health of your cat looks fluffy around his responsibility to take your order, this means you needaware of the problems they may have. can get there are many diseases and parasites that kitten. So it is important to look for the cat right medication for you.

What do you mean by drugs? We believe that prevention for heartworm. Heartworms in a kitten or older cat can lead to years in case of death in just a few. The worms that eat the heart heart attack in the heart of what a short life. Fortunately, there are many different types of drugs thatcan help the worms from the heart forever. Prevention can help here too. Watch your cat and clean the litter box out every night. Do not forget to visit the vet regularly.

Your joy hairy ball have a lot of hairballs? If there is a problem with hairballs, you can help in finding food to buy. There are many new foods that help fight against and reduce hairballs hairballs that may have to endure.

If you avoid the mostthese health problems, a healthy cat. However, there are more health problems, you need to know. urinary tract infection (UTI) is one thing, and usually the most friendly cats. Will be situations where your dog has a urinary tract infection, because the litter you use.

You should know by now that you have to go your furry friend to the vet. The vet will give your pet the right medication to help him get the ICU. UTI is often the case with the males and only rarely with the female. UTI may be the death of your cat if you do not see.

Another problem of poor health is that cats can get leukemia. This is the most common cause of cancer and can damage your cat's immune system. It can take home your fur ball death. Therefore, it is important to keep your cat the right vaccine to prevent this problem. L ' > Problem with leukemia is to ensure that no other cats around, because it is very contagious and can be given to other cats.

The tasks that have as a pet owner is sure that your pet the proper care. Their bundle of joy to the vet Under prevent him or her suffer more problems with their health. cat health problems can be handled easily if you get the first> Problem starts. For article for more information on how to help her cats to avoid the health of the problems cited above, you should choose the web for information about these health problems. The pet at home have to be in good health and must be in good to you to be loved by.

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Gastrointestinal changes in the cat - what you should know about

Changes with age. Some changes will be gradual and will result in only a few that you and your cat, in case of problems like gray hair, less activity, and so on. Other changes, particularly in relation to acute or chronic illness can affect your cat's health or behavior so painful.

In any case, know what to expect and what are the options, the process easier for both. It 'important to recognize that change townYou can see how your cat ages.

As the years passed, most of us find that we do not eat like we used. The same goes for older cats, who often lose their ability to digest and absorb fat. As a result of this change, the womb, combined with the loss of subcutaneous (under the skin) fat and muscle tone, your cat is aging to decline gradually, and on an old and bony feel taken.

Some weight loss is good for most cats, but may be too thin Compromise overall health of your pets. A change in diet can help maintain normal body weight, and some older cats do better with several small meals a day Rather Than one or two large ones.

To monitor the intake of food your cat and increase their interest in eating, if available, feed meals, food out of place. Weight loss may also indicate a health problem, so if your cat is losing weight, talk with your veterinarian.

Many seniors> Cats experience constipation for a number of reasons. Digestion tends to be longer than a cat at an early age, and slows down the bowel. If your cat has arthritis or anal gland or infected stool can cause pain impact and can avoid doing their duty, as long as possible.

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Tips for your cat to eat canned food

They decided, your cat would be better to eat a box of food quality problems to prevent feline diabetes, obesity, bladder infections, kidney and other health problems associated with commercial dry food. But she turns her nose up! How to get to eat? Your cat is a creature of habit and dislike change, especially in what they eat. And 'the crunchy texture of dry food used. If you have never eaten cannedfirst, you may not even know, the stuff is sitting in his plate of something edible.

Coat dry pet food with meat producers "digested", a delightful blend of fermented animal entrails. This is a cereal-based dry food more attractive to an animal that is destined not to eat meat, cereals. It 's like breakfast cereals sugar-coated for a reason of interest for children. And as a child, your friend will withstand a diet that is healthier for them, because reallylike the taste of dry foods.

Be patient as it can take a couple of months, they switch.

To ease the transition from dry to canned food, is the first step to stop leaving out dry food. You must establish a set routine meals. If you are an owner like most cats, are in the habit of food supply in a time so all your contacts you can Have a bite Whenever they want. Contrary to popular belief, not your cat does not need food available 24 / 7 feed themtwice a day is fine.

Yes, he is unhappy, and try to convince you, it goes to you directly from hunger. But not this. They have their best interests at heart, although they may not think so! Remember, your goal is not to starve them to eat food again, but you must be willing to eat at the table, so it is more likely to try something new.

Once you have used is to eat twice a day, try to give it a bit 'of canned food with dry.In a week or so increase the number of doses and reduces the amount of dry, until only eat canned food. Can not be so simple, even if, as some cats rather set in their ways. In this case, try giving her only canned food in a diet. If they do not eat, wait a couple of hours and try again. It recommends a different flavor or another brand a try. Whatever you do, do not cave, and his dry food.

If you have not eaten in 18Hours, giving it about a quarter cup of dry food. Let your cat go hours without eating for more than 24, especially if they are overweight when they develop the disease may extend fatal hepatic lipidosis, potentially.

You need to be sure she eats at least 15 calories per pound of body weight per day. You do not know how much they weigh? Weigh yourself, then get Buddy and weigh the two together. Subtract the weight from the weight of you and your cat, andThey have an approximate figure. If you weigh about 18 pounds but should weigh 12, it must be 180 calories per day, 12 pounds times 15 calories. If losing weight is not required, the formula is weight in pounds by Kitty 13.6 times 70 So if you weigh 12 pounds, 13.6 and 12 times 70 is 233, the number of calories needed to maintain their body weight.

Canning labels do not list the calories, but preserved with 78 percent humidity is about 30Calories per ounce. It varies from 20 to 40 calories, then you may need to contact the manufacturer of pet food to receive such information.

Most cats do to lose weight if they are switched to canned food. This is usually a good thing as feline obesity is a major problem. Your cat should not lose more than 1-2 percent of their body weight per week. If 20 pounds, 20 times 16 ounces weighs 320 ounces. One percent of 320 is 3.2 ounces per week, which is lessto 1 / 4 pounds. With care and patience, you can train your cat to a healthier diet to eat, and helped her lose weight in the process.

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Cat Eye Care - cataract diagnosis as part of your Cat Eye Care Program

Cat Eye Care includes a solid understanding of the effects of some eye diseases in cat having your cat. Cataract problems are relatively rare in cats and are usually associated with complications of diabetes. Some breeds inherit a tendency to develop cataracts: Burmese, Himalayans, Persians and British Shorthairs. The incidence is low and the cataract are quite small, small enough to be often ignored.

ThoseCataract blindness cause or threaten to do so, many are treated with surgery. If blindness has evolved from an inoperable cataract, you need your cat to live a safe life if kept indoors. The star itself is not painful.

Identify problems

It is worth starting early the problem. A long-term cataract is denser and harder practices tend to remove more complications more. A cat owner should suspect a problem andto seek veterinary care if the eye is different from what it appears, not the rule.

Not only are your cat's eyes are getting older when you notice a significant size difference in the clarity of the eyes, increased turbidity turbidity or a change of affiliation. These changes indicate a real problem.


Diabetes is the leading cause of cataracts in cats. The second most common cause is an inflammatory disease such as uveitis. You can easily seesigns of uveitis: the changes of color of eyes, the eye surface is roughened and the pupil becomes smaller. This condition is painful for your cat. He may squint, have watery eyes and eyelid spasms.

The most common causes of uveitis are the feline leukemia virus, feline infectious peritonitis, toxoplasmosis, or feline immunodeficiency virus. Early treatment of the cause of a cataract can prevent or minimize the effect of an already formed.

AnotherCause of cataract is an ocular trauma. If your cat's eye lens dotted the cat in a fight or other incident and the outer layer is damaged, you can use your veterinarian for the interview with the removal of the lens. This is because damaged lenses tend cats in cancer development. Removing the lens negates the possibility of cancer.


A cataract is that untreated glaucoma can cause a painful disease that thing. If your cat eyes dull,watery, squinty or just do not look normal, it's time for a visit to your veterinarian. When uveitis is suspected, your veterinarian may run tests for the underlying causes and a medicated eye drops to bring the inflammation under control. When a cataract is formed or there has been an eye injury, probably use an ophthalmologist, a veterinary ophthalmologist.


Just because a cataract is present, this does not necessarily mean surgery. TheSize and position are factors in the treatment of cataract. If the cataract is large or very dense, then complications can be controlled with medication.

It 'entirely reasonable to expect to keep your blind cat to have a good life, even if he is. Keep it in the house protects it and keep things in one place, so it can learn the ways of her toys, bedding, food and popular areas. Keep to obscure the light helps him see better what's eyesleft.

A puncture of the eye lens or larger congenital cataracts are the most likely candidates for surgery. Some cat owners do without cataract surgery, which is caused by uveitis. Uveitis already caused an inflammation of the eye, so surgery can just lead to more inflammation, pain and complications.

Other considerations

The analysis pre-op, surgery and postoperative checks of $ 1,500 to $ 3,000 to run. Then there are the drugs post-operatively. The choice of a low monthly cat health insurance program helps with the financial burden. certainly reduces the need for a cat eye care decision based on limited financial resources.

Cataracts in cats are rare. As part of the treatment program of the cat's eyes, a few minutes to check your cat's eyes. If you notice cloudiness, watery eyes, strabismus or a significant change in the eyes of your cat or navigation, look to your veterinarian> Cat Eye care and support. Not all cataracts warrant surgery. A blind cat can be a normal, happy in life and with proper eye medications.

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Cat Eye Health Care Tips

The health of your cat's eyes is very important for the health of your cat. It is extremely important to monitor "your cat eye health and take action immediately, with the realization can be a problem. Use the following suggestions and if the problem is severe persistent, or ask your veterinarian.

Keep Your Cat's Eyes Healthy

One sure way to guarantee the health of your cat's eyes> The health issue has become not give your cat clean and maintain to be good. Watch for some of these things, because of possible health problems of the eyes of a cat.

- Keep your cat free of mucus with eyes gently clean eyes.

- Before bathing, flea treatments or doing anything that the eyes may introduce legislation on chemicals for your cat, you must apply a neutralizing ointment.

- Keep your hair cat's eyesThis is particularly true for long-haired breeds such as Persians.

- Clean tear colored fur around the eyes.

Signs of Cat Eye Health Issues

healthy cat's eyes are always moist and clear, if you see there on each of the following symptoms may be the subject of health.

- Of reddish inner eyelids

- The third eyelid is around the eye and / or visits to the eye

- Download or unusual materials that make the eyes or corners ofEye

- Excessive crying and / or signs of excessive tearing around the eyes

Clean Your Cat's Eyes

Dilute some baby shampoo with water to a solution of 1 part shampoo to 20 parts water. With a cotton ball, gauze or a cotton swab soaked in this solution gently remove any dirt or discharge by massaging the eyeball. Clean the edges of the retina. After sufficiently cleaned the area, clean the shampoo with clean water and cotton woolor gauze.

If there are formations of waste discharges into the eyelids, eye drops sterile saline drops from above the eye and carefully remove with a cloth or cotton ball.

Promote your cat eye medication

If you give your cat eye drops, cat raise your head and apply a drop or two of eye medicine. treatments more space about 10 minutes, this will allow the first treatment to absorb.

If CAT EYE is professionals will recommend an ointment to be sure, very little time for too much, too much will irritate the eyes. Apply in the eye, eyelid or Apply and gently massage your eyelid to 's your cat's eye to evenly distribute the ointment.

Hopefully these tips will guide a long way to prevent any potential problems for the health of cats eyes and you can stay Happy CatCat>.

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levels of creatine in Cats

Creatine levels in cats are always a balancing act, but a high level of creatine in your pet can be absolutely catastrophic. If your cat tests positive for high levels of creatine, is a warning sign of several problems and they are all bad. High levels indicate that your cat may have kidney failure, dehydration, some type of toxicity, or poor circulation in general. It can also be one of the first warning that you know that your cat may haveurinary retention or is about to go into shock.

But there is a big problem, you can not have the luxury that your cat tested the levels of creatine, and therefore you can never know, it is high, until it is too late.

Creatine levels in cats, the optimal range is 0.8 mg / dl, and the field of security, as most veterinarians DL are between 0.4 and 1.2 mg /. Mg / dl blood sugar is the traditional form of units for your cat. The most importantSource of creatine for every living organism, including your cat, raw fish and raw meat.

There are several arguments on both sides about feeding your cat one of these sources, but most owners do not fully Understand the real danger, the high level of creatine in cats can produce.

What is creatine?

Creatine is the final product, which is a contraction called phosphocreatine metabolism, muscle, is a crucial part of your catSkills. In 1927, phosphorous was discovered cats actually unstable in the muscles at rest, and was called phosphocreatine. However, creatine and has always been a natural component of skeletal muscle.

It 'very popular, that wild animals can not survive and very safe, with much higher natural levels of creatine, especially the wild cats like lions or tigers.

But your cat is not a wild animal, and a high level, you can easily take the life orput them in catastrophic health situations. Creatine is the fish, ask your cat skeletal muscle foods such as meat o. During digestion, your cat, creatine, travel sources are included in these foods directly on your pets blood stream, where skeletal muscle as transported and absorbed in her.

If your cat is never enough creatine from their diet because they are fed a diet veterinarian, may be,equally devastating as the levels are too high. In fact, too low can technically your cat to starve to death. Your cat does not have enough creatine system, trying to draw you can synthesize amino acids, when, of course. Once that happens, it will restart the process nutritional starvation.

For this reason, levels of creatine in cats has a very fine balance. Promotes muscle anabolism in two different ways, increases energyReserves and cell activity, which in turn promotes proper metabolism.

How does Creatine:

Creatine levels in cats, they must operate correctly for the optimum level, as appropriate to increase the energy available for muscles to work for cats. cells in your body, cats save their energy in the form of a ATP is known, and the crowd work their muscles to perform adequately depends on the proper maintenance.

Creatine improvesphysical performance of cat muscles, increasing the number of times that this molecule is in the context of extreme exercise routine or recycled, but does not increase the amount stored in the muscles of your cat.

Creatine and muscle cats from his blood and his body uses the energy of the sodium input to move forward in their cells. creatine transporter activity is enhanced as a high level of food or food glyemicThe production of blood sugar cats. But all types of muscle in your cat does not respond in a similar way to predict creatine. The muscles in your cat may be the answer, either fast or slow and fast muscles' ability to express a sudden movement of your cat.

Slow muscles do not rely so strong, so fast muscles, but they still play an important factor for the resistance and normal functions.


levels of creatine in cats can not have security levels, and althoughThere are some arguments about the benefits of raw fish and meat for cats, there is a certainty, a high level are disastrous. Raw fish or meat containing the equivalent of five grams of pure creatine. Cooking significantly reduced these levels and helps reduce creatine.

The side of the argument that the damage will propose that the Wildcats have to do to eat raw fish flesh and the beginning of time, is absolutely not true, but again, your cat is not wildAnimals. If this were true, ask yourself why a high degree of renal insufficiency, dehydration leading to circulatory problems, shock and even in some cases. And because low due to liver disease or induce hunger in your cat?


Creatine levels in cats are a very fine line and the only way I know is absolutely the real level is tested for your cat. It is a very simple blood test, but one that can save lives only your cats. NutritionYour cat raw fish and meat may be the trend in some places, but it is very easy to cook and to eliminate almost all the dangers. Just cook for a few minutes and your cat will receive all services, without the risks.

It 'really worth jeopardizing the health of your cat?

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Cats with gingivitis - two natural ways to solve

Cats with gingivitis seems to be so mean now. And yet you can not stand cats in the wild, as they would die quickly. So we need to look in that direction for healing.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums and this can occur at any age in each race. This is not just a painful problem, this shows that the health of your cat is not good.

It also means that the teeth may be affected later. Maybe loosen, then fallout.

But the following two actions that can prevent cats gingivitis or restore the balance, if you have already occurred.

The first aspect of natural health professionals are increasingly trying to address is the system restore a healthy immune system. With this back in balance, everything slips back into the natural order.

A major cause for cats with gingivitis and nutrition. Nutrition is vital for the health of everyone, not just your cat. Human Nutritionmay, to the best of times sloppy, but at least there are some pretty fundamental laws that govern the production and marketing of food products.

What is lacking in cat food. And anything can occur. For example:

Preservatives, which are highly toxic, despite claims on the package
high-fat, useless in food
declines by less-meat products (for human consumption, with low protein questionable)
cheap fillers like melamine, sugar and crushedNut shells

Please do not think that processed food is not recommended by your veterinarian better.

Quality of raw meat and bones, on the other hand, a cat with a complete and balanced diet. Creaking bones small to raw to help clean the teeth, gums healthy and happy their heads. dry food is not closed to achieve this goal, in spite of the claims.

Cats on this diet rarely suffer from gum inflammation only.

Meanwhile, among the transition to aQuality first diet may need help with gingivitis cat. Homeopathic Medicine Mercurius healthy gums can be used successfully in the recovery, when symptoms include cat "

The gums are red and swollen
appears dirty mouth
there is more saliva
Ulceration may be present or not
The symptoms worsen at night

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Oral Care Cat

Taking care of your pet's dental hygiene is a primary responsibility of every pet owner, you start your cat dental care today instead of waiting until next February. If you are wondering why February is mentioned, because two mega-organization, the United States American Veterinary Medicine Association or the AVMA, and have the American Veterinary Dental Society, and decided AVDS something special during the month of February . C

This has two groups,be used that month for a couple of Cat Dental Health month in which both the Develop and execute transactions for the preparation of pet owners like you, like day Each way of oral care for your pet family. These two groups recognized know how important oral care needs of your family is to keep pets. My greatest wish is to spend one month per year for oral hygiene of your pet, which can always be an animal.

Did you know that about 85 percent ofOlder animals have dental disease? Were you even aware that these cats is one of the most common causes of pain-related health problems? If you do not pay attention Oral complaints, more problems surface May. If not properly treated harmful elements like bacteria from the mouth can spread through the bloodstream. This in turn could infect other vital organs and eventually lead to the death of your beloved cat.

A cat 'sThe teeth should be cleaned every day, and we must take this as your duty. This can not be that easy for you to make your own, to use another family member cautiously open to keep your cat's mouth, so you can easily clean your teeth. Your cat may not like the process at first, but it is for their benefit. If your cat has its claws, you should wear some protective clothing while you get used to the process. This is like a kitten as the bestNot a big problem. If the cat later in your life, and trust is necessary to bring the process. To put it a bit 'easier for your cat, try a fish flavored toothpaste. It makes sense to be in contact with your veterinarian about oral care of your pet family. During a visit to your veterinarian, who will check your cat's gums and teeth are no further recommendations if necessary.

Dental care for your cat should start as a kittenTo prevent future diseases, such as the cat ages. If you have suffered painful teeth, you can see the problems of pain your cat must find out if tooth. If untreated the cat, which could be vulnerable to heart, lung, liver and kidney problems. Effective oral hygiene will help ensure that your cat is aging gracefully and healthy. With the necessary steps to prepare your family pets to have a childpainful life, as they mature.

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Pet health problems and behavior

As I said, stray cats make great pets, but are sometimes problems with a range of health and behavior. Most are about an attack by external and internal parasites, including fleas, ticks, and numerous species of worms. 'm also usually do not receive vaccinations and can carry a variety of infectious diseases. These deadly diseases can all be bitten by a cat from a widespread, saliva or sharing food or mutualCare. Within a stray, it is not right, your veterinarian can mean a death sentence for any cats you may already have at home. Stray could also use vehicles designed to harm or other animals at a time. Breaks, sprains, abscesses, eye disorders, internal injuries or other structural problems may arise that ultimately cost much to treat. In addition, many people stray much attention to the rigors of the road.Often remain so for the rest of their lives, perhaps the heating of only a few people - that being one.

While this sounds ominous, does not give up loses. If your veterinarian immediately involved and have no other pets, stray may be only a good job. After all, difficult to make an animal enough to be on the street deserves a second chance. For owners who have their cats neutered, a number of undesirable behaviors may emerge. Men want to getand wander outside the area in search of females and to assert and defend what they perceive as their territory. Will almost certainly get into fights with other males, and run the risk of being injured by a vehicle or one of the many spray urine is infected the whole house and most Likely quite vocal in his attempt to tell you he wants out.
intact females venturing outside will almost certainly become pregnant over and over and could alsogetting into fights with other cats, males and females. As a man, could also expose themselves to injury or infection, can lead to death. If kept in the apartment, she cries and leaves perhaps marking with urine and blood stains - all in all, every relationship unhappy owners of the animals.

Unity of race is strong among all intact cats. At that time a male or a female cat has started 6-8 months old, and shows an instinctive need to find a partnerwill always be less playful and more competition in cats of their own gender.

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What are the causes of ear problems in cats?

If your cat ear are disturbed, it may be many reasons. Do not ignore them, if you are scratching your ears more often than normal, or if she shakes her head a lot. It may have ear mites, which can lead to diseases.

What are ear mites? These are small parasites that live in the ears furry friend. Their bites cause intense itching, which can only drive on it (and crowds). If you suspect that your cat has mites, look in your ears. If you see darkbrown waxy stuff there that looks like coffee grounds, your friend probably has it.

Cats are extremely susceptible to ear mites. Puppies especially disturbed by them, and they usually start from their mothers. Mites move easily and spread rapidly from animal to animal in a household. So if you have more than a puppy or kitten that you treat all your pets at the same time so you do not keep switching back and forth.

Ear mites are notlife-threatening condition, but you have to do to treat them. It can lead to infections, other problems such as hematoma and ear.

Your cat may develop a hematoma in the ear when she shakes her head too hard. What happens is that a burst blood vessel in his ear. The blood quickly fills his ear, so that it swells considerably. This is extremely painful for your cat, and can lead to permanent scarring, so take to the vet immediately if this happens.The veterinarian can remove the blood with a needle and syringe, but surgery may be required.

Ear mites are the most common cause of ear infections in cats. If your Furball constantly scratching his ears are irritated and inflamed, which provides a perfect environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi.

The most obvious symptom of an ear infection is a bad odor from the ears of contacts. They are very sensitive, and you will not see or touchbecause they are bad! If in pain, you probably pretty grumpy, too. Bleeding or discharge from the ear also indicates an infection.

There are several other causes of ear problems in cats, so make sure your veterinarian examine them to avoid allergies or fungal infections.

An ear polyp is a benign ear growth of your cat. You can make a bloody discharge from the ear, or may tilt the head and not go straight. The eyelids mayDroopy be, or can his third eyelid partially visible above the eye.

Ear polyps are quite unusual. No one knows what causes them. But ear infections, otherwise healthy and young, and have severe or repeated, you can have your veterinarian test ear with an otoscope. Surgery may be necessary to remove a polyp.

Do not ignore your cat when it has problems with his ears. The mites can cause an ear infection. If the infection is serious, is even more painful forYour little friend, and harder to remove. Chronic infections can compromise their immune system, which can lead to more serious complications.

Prevention is the best medicine!

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Solve cat behavior problems

cat behavior problems can be a very frustrating situation, too. While it may be shocking to see your cat urinating on furniture or is aggressive to know that there are many possible solutions to these problems.

cat behavior problems are the main reason cats are given shelter by their owners, should not be this way. By learning not only how 's resolve your catIssues> but because the development in the first place yourself in a position to solve them.

Cat litter and issues arising from various sources. Not enough litter bins in a multi-cat family, too small for a litter box can be automated pit stop to use a cat litter, and because of the noise. Even if your cat is placed? And 'near the washer and dryer? These sounds can a cat is no longer used as beddinggood.

Cat aggression problems can be difficult to manage a small litter box issues. Cat aggression problems can start when they are puppies. Often the puppies, their mothers are not triggered by very well socialized with other cats, cats, after the introduction of new, home, then this can lead to problems. May be raised in other kittens exclusion of over-aggressive or fearful to us.

ByNot only learn the solutions, but because Cat behavior problems can happen to solve these problems quickly. Find a good book on cat behavior problems. Then, if you have questions, ask your veterinarian.

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Eye problems in cats and kittens

Eye infections in kittens

(Neonatorum conjunctivitis)

Neonatal conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease of the conjunctiva, along the white fabric of the eyelids that occurs due to herpes virus infection in cats. The virus enters the eye through the lids before opening. Early intervention to prevent rupture of the cornea of the eye and permanent scarring. Treatment involves opening the eyes and apply appropriateDrugs.

Eyelids and dry eye

The eyelids serve many important functions. They protect the cornea, the clear outer part of the eye, and eye trauma. You keep out the light and determine the size and shape of the eye opening. The eyelids also produce and distribute the tears in his eyes. Tears supply the cornea with oxygen and nutrients, so it is important to keep the cornea healthy. If the cornea with oxygen and food because of a privateThe lack of tears, destructive changes rapidly, causing a condition called dry eye. Dry eye is also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca. The cornea can become pigmented, scarred, and ulcerated. Some may also cause vision loss. The eyes of cats dry eye burn and sting all the time like ours, not only on a windy day. The diagnosis of a tear test measures how many tears in the eyes produces a minute. In this case, low tear productiondetected.

Causes of dry eye

Before The eyelids of kittens and puppies babies usually 10-14 days. When the eyelids open too soon, the tears are not yet established. Dry eyes of lead, when the eyes are lubricants recipes fifty-seven applied three times daily until the production begins to tear.

Second Surgical correction of lazy eye prevents further damage and fracture of the eye.

Third Some breeds such as Persians, Himalayans and Exotic BurmaShorthairs have very large protruding eyes, which are under a lot of trauma is also a hereditary disease called lagophthalmos eyelid. Close the "lazy eyelid" or cap is not correct, and therefore can not spread cried enough. This increases the risk of dry eye and corneal ulcers secondary.

Fourth Many of these cats have mild lower lid entropion. Entropion is an inherited disorder in which the tissue of the eyelid turns inward. This makesfurther irritation of the eyes.

Fifth chronic herpes virus infections in cats can lead to eye damage to the eyes dry.

Treatment for dry eye

* Pilocarpine and anti-cancer drug interferon effectively tear production in some cats.

* A surgical procedure known as parotid duct transposition (PDT) is a useful test for cases that do not respond to medication.

* With a consistent treatment of lead, most cases of dry eye agood prognosis, but without treatment can recurrent corneal ulcers, bacterial infections and even blindness.

Problems inherited eye

Before Entropion

Entropion is an inherited disorder in which the eyelids roll inward, making contact with the surface of the eye lashes. This condition usually affects both eyes and is very painful. Also, can lead to conjunctivitis, partial or complete loss of vision if untreated. Squint and tearing are the most common signs. Persians and Himalayans seem most at risk. Surgical correction is the removal of a small strip of skin and muscle of the eyelid. The wires are then used to prevent the eyelid so that it is in normal position.

According Eyelashes DISEASE

Edge of disease is a group of conditions in which the evil eye lashes or hair.

* Trichiasis is a state located in the normal hair and irritate the eye. This is common in PersianCats>. The hairs on the eye closest to the nose can irritate the eyes and cause conjunctivitis. Prevention requires regular cutting of hair.

Method of problems inherited EYE DETECT


In addition to hereditary diseases of the eyelids and eyelashes, some diseases of the cornea and retina are also inherited in cats. You can easily go unnoticed until quite advanced. CERF examination is a method for detectingInherited eye problems. Most of them are very painful and blindness is not an unusual result. A Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF) examination is an examination of the eyes which can only be performed by a certified veterinary ophthalmologist. And 'to see cats hereditary diseases of the eye in dogs and young and can be given to use. Responsible breeders should not breed a dog or a cat, the test fails, an Cerf. Potential owners should ask if the parents and getadopted by the CERF examination. Castration or sterilization of animals of these inherited conditions ensured that the problem is not transmitted to future generations.

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Topics of Cat Health Care

Cat health care need to know your pet and knowing when something is wrong. Warning signs such as changes in appetite, weight loss and changes in bathroom habits may explain some serious cat health care weakness. A healthy cat is a problem that runs around, purrs and plays while a safe and healthy environment for avoid injury.

Weight seems to play an important role in health care of the cat. The right weightis calculated cat size and height. You can use along with a bathroom scale as a way to control the cat's weight simply by itself and then himself weighting factor and the cat. The difference between the two is the cat's weight can be a drastic change in weight . E 'indicate some kind of disease. Your cat's health care plan to manage your weight, to ensure that the cat gets the right amount of foodMaintain a healthy weight.

Many diseases cause the cat to cat need medication and other treatments to bring them back to health. A bacterial infection, a viral infection and a fungal infection, often then not requires proper veterinary check-ups. Other health issues of cats are pests, diseases and other metabolic abnormalities, the innate nature could. These health problems are all about weight lossCauses.

Some drugs for treating people who used to require food, veterinary cats. Some of these drugs consist of such antibiotics as amoxicillin and some cold medicine, Lasix and phenobarbital. Although the same doses are different, and the names, you should never share your medicines to a cat, They need there own supply of different sizes. Vets have been known to tell the owner to provide one, a dog, half aspirin, but for a cat, thiscould be fatal.

Cat health care also hold the cat properly cared for and supply of food that life helps to maintain health. Proper vaccination must be given annually to health care to protect the cats, if they go outside or even Cat proper exercise of the muscles to get healthy. It does not help the cat to be overweight. If you maintain a healthy environment and good nutritious food for the cat,may take up to years or maybe more than sixteen years.

If cat care health problems such as teeth, ears and skin irritation, it could discus this with your veterinarian. Some preventive measures to preserve the cat's teeth and keep them from crumbling or breaking, including cleaning it baking soda or a pet provides commercial assistance. Cat Health means to keep the ears free of parasites and preventive measures to combat seem ear mites.Flea prevention also needs to address are you keeping your pet at home and contaminated, which can cause serious health problems. Skin irritation results from scratches as well as skin allergies and should be checked daily. Health Care Cat did not need much time, and only the movements and habits of your cat closely to see if it is change.

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Persian cats - health problems

Persian cats are by far the most popular breed, but there are some very common health problems and the special nutritional needs of this great cat needs.

The breeding habits of some reputable breeders are not more of these health problems more common in both the Ultra and the traditional Persian Persian, but it seems that these questions can often breeds with the Ultra.

All> Health concerns and most of the problems all begin with the interviewer. If you're serious about getting this kind of cat are sure to do background checks is possible in many producer and obtain as much information as possible.

The Persian is perhaps the oldest breed of cat, from back in the old days of Iran, when what is actually called Persia. This breed has a wonderful grace in the way and go in its majestyBehavior, but also very lazy, obesity may also be some health problems as such.

Because of their thick coat natural that some cases up to 80-10 cm in length, are also a bit 'more prone to health issues.

But they are not sick cats, but have some problems.

PDK: Polycystic kidney disease

The most common health problem in cats is a Persian or polycystic kidney disease called PDK.It is a hereditary disease and was noted at the end of 1960, but was not much research on them until 1990.

This disease is reflected in the age of 3-10 years in Persia, and spreads to the kidneys and kidney disease. Cats grow inherit this condition is born and all the problems of developing cysts, when cysts start to this. When you grow up and gradually increase the kidney because of this growth isreduced in its ability to function properly.

The more serious conditions in the result in kidney failure and death of your cat. The symptoms that your Persian this condition is a sudden lack of appetite and increased thirst and urination are a must.

Currently there are no cures for this disease than other similar treatments to other forms of chronic renal failure. Why is intended only recently, there are still a lotThe research to be done to develop effective treatments.

Tear duct overflow:

This condition can occur in any cat, but is more common in Persians, because the apartment. These functions can correct the failure of the tears drain lead. Compounding this problem is the overproduction of tears that could be caused by infection, allergy or some kind of irritating.

The natural shape of a face Persian makes a drainage problem because of the wrinklesdrainage pipes, interior abnormally small openings lacrimal gland and tear shallow lakes, on the corner of his eye. This is probably due to a chronic disease Ultras farming methods.

The symptoms that you'll have to aqueous tear secretion in the eye, under the color of eyes and irritation or ulceration evident for your pet to the skin under the eyes.

effective treatment for rupture of the overflow pipe may contain antibiotic cream and willvery important to clean the areas around the eyes to prevent infection. Cutting hair under the eyes is also closely drainage. But be very careful.

There are some natural herbal ingredients such as chamomile and dandelion German that are cleaner and eyes are very natural tonic in nature and very relaxing for your cat. In very severe cases may require surgery your cat.

Chediak-Higashi syndrome:

This condition is also one offrequent health problems in Persian. It is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that causes hair to turn down your pets in a smoky blue. But what is especially dangerous for this condition is the development of nuclear cataracts, which are associated with it. These infections can lead to a cat, prolonged bleeding in your.

Persians are affected by this condition also very susceptible to infection. There are treatments for this condition. The symptomsmust be seen to muscle weakness, problems with nerves in the legs, tremors and numbness. In very severe cases, there will be attacks, followed by probably over your cat, how can it be that serious.

Congenital Ankyloblepharon:

This condition is particularly pronounced in Persian Blue. This is a situation where the membership of the eyelid margin, or stick together. This is very common in both puppies and kittens, but very rarely in cats. Ifit is, can cause swelling and infection and several major eye diseases.

A warm, damp cotton wool, it is usually free of the eyelids, but if not, prompt treatment may be necessary.

Urinary tract:

All cats can this condition, but is more common in Persians. These are small stones that are found in the bladder, and in many cases the urine. If the cat and will not, is an emergency situation, such asIt blocks the urinary tract.

Symptoms of abnormal urine samples, and difficulty with urination or frequent urination. You need to watch for cloudy urine, or blood in the urine. These stones are mostly made of magnesium, ammonium and phosphates.

A diet low in magnesium will help to eliminate these obstacles in most cases.
Hip dysplasia and dislocation of the patella, a condition in which your cat kneecaps slides are well known and HealthTerms of Persian cats.


These are all health problems, you must be aware when choosing a Persian, but with the right breeder, most can be avoided. These cats also need some special treatment for hair coverings are wonderful.

You should always be complemented by the hair, that all the B vitamins, zinc and fatty acids, and watching the brilliance of their coats.

Cats are probably thesweet and docile of all breeds of cat. It is recommended to keep it inside his coat free of parasites as well. Overall, very loyal and make wonderful companions, despite some health problems.

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What food to give a cat with urinary block

commercial cat foods are rich in carbohydrates and grains that cats do not need them. urinary tract infections and blockages of the bladder are mainly due to this food, not to mention obesity and kidney problems. Also, check block to find what foods to give, the urine of a cat.

Cats eat grass and a little 'meat, and that's all. They are not designed to eat vegetables, cereals or cat laden with food. canned meat is basedthe best or the meat that is prepared as the owner. The best diet cat food urinary tract cat food is raw. Have you ever had a cat outdoors? If you noticed how they love cats? To kill the dinner as a mouse or small rodents are a meat eater and are not meant to eat vegetables, cereals and cereal fillers, but if you have a commercial product has to eat that kind of minced meat and salsa. Urinary tract cat food with meat andCarnivore sauce satisfied their instinct and contribute additional moisture.

Contribution to the health of your cat urine is pH. Depending on your cat's pH is acidic or alkaline bladder stones and blocks can be formed. Try small amounts of apple cider vinegar, maybe ¼ teaspoon or less in their diet. This is the pH level. You must also ensure that you continue to stress the cat 's a minimum. Just like humans,Stress can cause disease. Water is another must have each day. It 'was fresh and abundant, so that bacteria, if they can be trapped in the urethra are rinsing frequent urination. Enter a fresh clean litter, so will your cat use the litter box often.

What foods to give a cat with a urinary block, well, should not eat dry food? If they are, the urine is very concentrated, contributing to feline urinary tract canassociated diseases. If your cat has a problem, chances had urinary tract, it will happen again. Try an herbal supplement designed for cats urinary tract health. These supplements contain natural ingredients such as immune system support contractors Berberis vulgaris and those aspects that staphysagris Help All urology for your cat. These ingredients cause a reaction to the body to heal itself to compensate.

cat food health urinary tractincludes raw foods or canned, and adding natural immune builders, support a healthy immune system function and in general to maintain a healthy balance of our pets for years to come.

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How to avoid cat dental problems

Your cat can not take care of the teeth alone, it is your responsibility to see that your cat needs provision gets it right. What are the first thing in the morning and last thing you do before going to bed at night?

Most likely you answered brush your teeth. If it is something that your personal health then your cat needs it, too. You should start brushing their teeth immediately kitten. You can buy feline toothpaste. Human ingredients in toothpaste can be harmful for your kitten is very important to never use toothpaste on your kitten.

Remember this is a new experience for you and your cat can be. Get the kitten use to brushing your teeth with your finger first (do not try to use a cat toothbrush in the mouth may force the first break a few teeth. It 'important that you brush your cats teeth at least three times a week.

If you have an old> Cat, brushing process has never been introduced for which there is a good chance that they do not take it, if we now try to start it. Brushing your teeth is like any other trick, you have more success leaving before you. If adults do not see problems with your cat's teeth, call around to local pet boutiques, many of them begin to offer services of cockroaches. We will remove tarter build s clean your cat 'Teeth.

50 percent of cats in three years to have any dental problems. To ensure that your cats dental problems, not serious or even fatal exit; us time to set and make arrangements with your veterinarian. Similar technologies are used by human dentists now used by veterinarians.

Vets can now clean your cat's teeth with the help of a rotary scale. A scale clean surfaces and just below the gum line, where cavities occur most cats.teeth cleaning that cat polished and seal, rescued after these steps to prevent disease to the occurrence of any tooth. Depending on how the problem is serious, your veterinarian may suggest surgery to solve problems.

It 's easier to understand the importance of proper oral hygiene food to eat, if you've ever seen solid, which is not a cat. There's nothing more pathetic and sad, as if we sit and watch the cat that I love to declinebecause they have nothing, because of all the pain they feel can eat. It's never too late to bring your cat back in the running for their dental health. Do not be afraid or ashamed to bring your cat to the vet. This is what we are. Want a part of your family for years to come many cats are no longer your eyes on the small health risks, "Cat's can shorten the lifespan.

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How to identify a disease feline

It 'hard if you know your cat is not feeling well, because they can tell you their symptoms, or exactly how they feel. Instead, it is to carefully observe and monitor any change in behavior or changes in routine, so you can detect evidence of possible feline disease.

It 'important to know the habits of your cat's regular activities including regular, regular eating and drinking habits, litter box and normal or "bad" habits. Also, remember thatcat cats with specific diseases can have many symptoms or may show only mild symptoms of disease is very feline. It 'important to pay "attention to any changes the behavior of your cat and also the notes about the changes in behavior or habits.

Collection of additional information on its symptoms cat can also help the vet, if I start working on a diagnosis of the disease in cats. Sometimes the diagnosis of cat healthThe problems are identified quickly, but sometimes can be complicated and more information you can help.

Before discovering your cat is a cat disease, the better. Before starting treatment, the less problems you will probably, and it is also likely to have a success rate. Some diseases are more cat feline behavior problems such as a box to go to the bathroom outside the litter. This may apply toCycle of problems, so to avoid difficult behavior of this cat as much as possible, of course, is best for you and your cat.

How do you know if your cat is a cat health problem?

As mentioned above changes in your cat cat behavior, a sign that something is wrong with yours. But there are also some specific symptoms feline is observed:

Constipation (including lack of feces inLitter)
Urination or defecation outside the litter
Onerous in litter
Changes in appetite
increased thirst
Changes in energy level
Weight changes
Vomiting (not hairballs)
Excessive scratching
Depression and lethargy

These are just some of the possible symptoms, but nothing extraordinary should be monitored and discussed with your veterinarian. Do not even try to diagnose feline disease - Diagnosis should be made by the veterinarian.feline diseases can be complex and may require laboratory tests, so it is best left to the professionals.

Prevent disease feline

Prevention is the best medicine. Of course it is not possible to prevent feline disease, but you can at least help the chances of your cat contracting a disease cat.

Nutrition is the basis for the health of your cat. How to keep your cat's immune system strong is important for a healthy food,appropriate diet and ensure they have access to clean water at all times. Cats require a high percentage of protein and is better if their diet contains canned food. Buy your cat a high quality cat food can actually save money and headaches in the long term.

Keep your cat at home can prevent most of the feline disease so that is not exposed to parasites are carriers of disease or cats. And do not forget the routine veterinary visits.

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The Shocking Truth About Cats Round Worms

It 's always a pleasure to choose a new little kitten and take it home for the first time. You can, however, the puppies are weaned, opposite signs from the beginning of a common health problem: a swollen stomach and diarrhea cats with signs of colic. All these symptoms may be caused by nematodes and should be taken to prevent further deterioration.

Cat diarrhea is a symptom associated with gastrointestinal disorders. Enteritis caused byMany pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Ascaris infestation especially weanling kitten suffer if preventive deworming cat and kittens was not the place or have not been given a fair in the program.

Feline nematodes infect the small intestine and generally cause loose stools, stomach cramps and vomiting, constipation or obstruction and the inability to absorb nutrients from food enough. symptoms are often similara swollen belly, loss of condition and poor growth, cat coughing caused by larval migration and rapid development of weakness in the young.

round worm larvae are transferred with colostrum and milk of queens. It 'very important for weeks to treat cats for breeding at least before and after pregnancy and her entire litter of four years.
should be weaned kitten worming treatment every two weeks until the age of 3 months. From now on I must receive regular treatment throughout their life cycle. This helps to control "a worm in cat intestines pe environment. Poor growth, weakness and a weak immune system can be effectively prevented in this way.

Suitable for kittens and cats pregnant queens dewormers containing fenbendazole to eliminate adult worms round. Adult cats-ups can be treated larvae, which anthelmintics are effective against adult worms and their. There are many different> Drugs Cat worms available for Firefox are available in different forms such as tablets, pastes, granules, liquids or spot news. In particular, spot-on products can be used easily and can be easily managed on the skin, so you can be sure that your cat got the full dose.

Cat round worm infestation can be controlled safely pests, including the use of cat worms modern medicine, this type of cat removed. Find and follow a regular treatment planof crucial importance and will effectively prevent serious health conditions and complications in young kittens. A healthy kitten to grow and live a healthy life for adults, which hopefully will last at least nine lives!

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Allergies in cats

Just like humans a common health problem in cats is an allergy. It 's strange that we always worry about people being allergic to cats, but rarely feels so that cats are allergic!

In this way, the cats are not much different than people. Some foreign substance, usually as an allergen or antigen, triggers a situation where the cat's immune system is hyper-drive and produces symptoms of an allergic reactionCondition.

When a cat is allergic to something, the information is common itchy skin, coughing or sneezing in the event of a problem breathing, vomiting or diarrhea or in case of gastrointestinal allergy.

Allergies in cats seem to fall into these categories. Allergies to fleas, mites, food inhaled, or things have something in contact.

contact allergies usually result in a fairly localized skin reaction. The catcan scratch a lot and / or you can contact an indication of irritation at the site. The most common causes of contact allergies in cats would naturally treat with flea products are in close contact, such as collars, blankets, toys, etc. The easiest way is to remove the contact. Take the collar off, or change the bed linen, for example. If irritation persists or if you need a more effective control of fleas, consult your veterinarian.

Some cats may alsoallergic reactions to plastic and / or metals. If you suspect that your want to change your cat in a ceramic bowl or glass may feed. Another problem, the tank can imitate a contact allergy can occur if not simply wash your cat carefully and completely to him. Residual shampoo or soap on the skin may cause dermatitis, which can be mistaken for an allergic reaction.

Fortunately, allergies in cats are the lowest commonType.

flea allergy, on the other hand, are very common in cats. Any normal cat commonly experience irritation from flea bites, but a real cat with a flea saliva allergy have a tougher response to the flea itch. A normal cat can only bite or scratch a bit 'and then go to other things, but a cat with a flea allergy can chew, and concerns the point-to-large amounts of scratches fur lost. This constant attemptcan alleviate maddening itching or irritation in open wounds that can cause the risk of infection, allergy list of evil to add. Most cats, the most common to be hit will be back in just before the tail. The cat may also create patches of sores or scabs on the head and neck.

Inhalation types of allergies (atopy) are more common than cat allergies, flea and contact allergies! In fact, this type of allergy is probably thecommon problem in allergic cats. It 'possible that your cat may be allergic to the same allergens that you are correct! pollen, grass pollen, weed pollen and with the rest of the elements that people fear, mold, dust mites and we can all trigger allergic reactions Tree in both cats and people who have trained to reach out to them.

A major difference between humans and cats, is that while most people will reactinhaled allergens by sneezing or coughing is more common allergens reacting a cat from scratching an itch caused by former itself. Unlike a contact allergy, the answer's' cat allergen inhaled itching in the skin of a general as opposed to a strong reaction to a particular place like. If your cat seems to be scratching a lot, and does not appear to be local, as a reaction to a flea collar as it is a good chance that he or she is a response tosome substance inhaled.

As humans, food allergies in cats can be extremely difficult to identify true. One of the reasons that together demonstrate many of the symptoms of discomfort in the other groups is seen. True food allergies in cats can cause itching and / or respiratory problems. Also cause true food allergies, digestive disorders, like other diseases or toxic substances. In cats, food allergies are not usually present at birth,developed but are eaten after long exposure to foods that were for long periods of time. Most food allergies will "center around the nature of the protein in the diet of the common cat, such as beef, pork, chicken or lamb to remove Easy., The nature of the protein through a different type of food is usually care around the problem.

There are two difficult points for the cat owner if they have one, start to realize, may be signs that lead to believe that their catAllergy.

Before the cat can be a nuisance to actually respond, rather than an allergen, and

According to The symptoms may be the result of some other condition that can still be dangerous.

For example, fleas, flea bites can cause itching and scratching the cat. This is normal. They also scratch and detail when the fleas bite you were! However, if the cat is allergic to flea saliva, which actually givein an attempt to relieve the itching intensified. Could, however, the itch, as mentioned, the result of a food allergy, contact allergy or an illness diagnosed as a fungal infection (ringworm perhaps, for example), mange, or some other type of skin infections caused could be caused by bacteria.

some astute detective work by farmers to alleviate Although the problem can often only the veterinariannormally in a position to secure what is cause and effect can actually say ... and the best way to address the situation. But do not live with the veterinarian of your cat, it is important to observe carefully, what the symptoms, when, as have advances that have taken steps already know what happened and as a result of these steps. All this information will help your veterinarian cat always the truth behind the apparent in your allergy. Your catVeterinarian is also diagnostic tools available to him forever to the cause of your pet apparently "allergic" reactions.

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Avoid bladder problems in cats simplified

If you have a cat, here is something you need to know. A problem of the bladder in a cat is not necessarily a serious illness. It is a sign or symptom, which states that your cat urinary bladder is his problem. Nine times out of ten, can be treated easily and without surgery. More importantly, can be easily avoided. This article will tell you how you can solve problems for your cat free of urine. This of course does not mean thatIt should not be taken seriously.


Make sure to eat your cat high quality certified AAFCO cat food. Sure, check the label, meeting the highest standards of being tested and found adequate "compared to a low standard states that" formulated to meet AAFCO standards. If you offer home made food make sure it is properly balanced components cat 's trust in 40 different foods. It 's also a good idea to avoid dry foods. ItCauses of dehydration, which can cause urinary problems as well.


Your cat is drinking plenty of clean water is a failure of the easiest ways to ensure that it remains far from urinary problems. A lot of people realize it, but they are great. They give tap water to drink his cat. The main problem with tap water is that the smell, such as in areas that use excessive chlorine, the cat to stay away. This, combined withCATS is a natural tendency to drink the water directly, it can cause your cat to drink enough water less. Water promotes urination, natures way of cleansing the urinary tract.


Regular exercise is also beneficial for your cat like you. Removes toxins from the body, improves metabolism, stimulates the immune system and strengthens its bladder. In addition, a cat who is physicallyassets tend to drink plenty of water and urinate freely. So go for some interactive games for your cat, spend time with her and make sure there is enough physical exercise. Consider encouraging the purchase of a toy to play with the hidden food or catnip.


Cats prefer a clean environment. They tend to be in it if you keep the litter box is dirty. So, be sure to clean litter box your cat regularly. Also, if your cat is dirty, youGo easy for bacteria, their bladder through the urethra. Also, bathe your cat regularly and make sure that your genital area is clean. These are some simple things you can do to prevent bladder problems cats.


There are some homeopathic remedies and improving your cat s' urine can prevent health problems. You can alleviate problems such as urinary incontinence, bladder disorders and frequentUrination. They strengthen your cat's urinary tract and bladder. You can reduce the risk of bladder problems common in cats, including cystitis, thickening of the bladder, bladder and crystals. You can also boost the immune system and improves your cat's ability to fight disease naturally.

Vg Berberis, Uva Ursi and Cantharis are some of the homeopathic remedy, which cats are known for their ability to strengthen the urogenital system.Because they are completely natural, there is no risk of side effects at all. The best thing about these funds is that they not only cats are used to treat a bladder problem, But can also be used as needed for the recurrence of estimates.

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What are the causes of urinary Cat

Your cat is a cat problem urinating on purpose or do not have the possibility of contempt. Cats are sterilized or have never been, if you move outside could even be outside the litter brand of receiver. A cat has never been castrated and has a cat urine marking problem should be castrated, because, while the heat will undoubtedly urine.

There are several causes for a cat not using its litter box.

1)It's the dirty litter? While one can use a clean litter every other day, are nothing but a cat.

2) If a cat feels safe in his environment are not threatened or feels he can mark his place to relieve his anxiety and the urine marking. smell of urine is specific to each individual cat and its territory.

3) It could be a conflict among cats. If you have more than one cat you do not want to use the same field. Sometimes a catwaiting for the others when you start using the litter attack. This creates anxiety and fear, which leads to problems with cat urine.

No matter what you do not get scared, crying or a cat, especially around his bedding. He developed a negative attitude towards the cat box and most likely the cat urination problem is getting worse.

If you can give everyone a box of cat litter at home. Try different positions and seewhat area you want. When a cat is stressed, or another cat, dog or child, they need an alternative venue to use a litter disturbed.

Have your cat checked by a veterinarian infected each year, so that health problems can suddenly find before they become major problems. Cat Urine problems with urination could be a medical cause, such as bladder stones o. You can also try supplements specially formulated for helpand strengthen its balance, not everyone expects that this urinary change behavior overnight, be patient and try different strategies to help your cat to feel good and at peace at home.

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How to treat feline stomatitis course - Identify

If you want to know how to treat feline stomatitis then, of course, first you have to accept that anything we do is not the best interest of your cat. This is the first and biggest obstacle to overcome. Everyone feels they are doing their best, and often refuse to accept that their best may not be sufficient.

This is often seen as a personal criticism. Nothing could be further from the truth. Think you can do your best because you have with people who have consultedYou think, you should know. And in an ideal world, there would have been, because the best information for the health of your cat.

Unfortunately, we live in an ideal world. Unfortunately, we live in a world that is infected by greed and the dollar is king. Anything and everything can be damaged only if the income is considered. Even those professionals who have general respect for society, are not immune. In reality, these people are often very specific, often without the knowledgethem.

So you have all the distrust? Does not that make you more of a sad man? And certainly trust someone?

warning anyone can be a complicated and unhappy existence. But responsibility for the health of your cat, then you will know more if someone makes a lot of sense. If someone is defensive or annoyed by questions, or the logic stack, you can be sure that there is providing the most honestInformation.

Learning to trust you to your inner intuition, your inner wisdom, you will soon know that this is an area of life you've never disappointed.

Nature is another. Nature is real and honest and tried not by profit or greed.

By following these natural laws and natural diet, you'll notice that not only cured feline stomatitis, can be prevented.

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