
Cat Eye Care - cataract diagnosis as part of your Cat Eye Care Program

Cat Eye Care includes a solid understanding of the effects of some eye diseases in cat having your cat. Cataract problems are relatively rare in cats and are usually associated with complications of diabetes. Some breeds inherit a tendency to develop cataracts: Burmese, Himalayans, Persians and British Shorthairs. The incidence is low and the cataract are quite small, small enough to be often ignored.

ThoseCataract blindness cause or threaten to do so, many are treated with surgery. If blindness has evolved from an inoperable cataract, you need your cat to live a safe life if kept indoors. The star itself is not painful.

Identify problems

It is worth starting early the problem. A long-term cataract is denser and harder practices tend to remove more complications more. A cat owner should suspect a problem andto seek veterinary care if the eye is different from what it appears, not the rule.

Not only are your cat's eyes are getting older when you notice a significant size difference in the clarity of the eyes, increased turbidity turbidity or a change of affiliation. These changes indicate a real problem.


Diabetes is the leading cause of cataracts in cats. The second most common cause is an inflammatory disease such as uveitis. You can easily seesigns of uveitis: the changes of color of eyes, the eye surface is roughened and the pupil becomes smaller. This condition is painful for your cat. He may squint, have watery eyes and eyelid spasms.

The most common causes of uveitis are the feline leukemia virus, feline infectious peritonitis, toxoplasmosis, or feline immunodeficiency virus. Early treatment of the cause of a cataract can prevent or minimize the effect of an already formed.

AnotherCause of cataract is an ocular trauma. If your cat's eye lens dotted the cat in a fight or other incident and the outer layer is damaged, you can use your veterinarian for the interview with the removal of the lens. This is because damaged lenses tend cats in cancer development. Removing the lens negates the possibility of cancer.


A cataract is that untreated glaucoma can cause a painful disease that thing. If your cat eyes dull,watery, squinty or just do not look normal, it's time for a visit to your veterinarian. When uveitis is suspected, your veterinarian may run tests for the underlying causes and a medicated eye drops to bring the inflammation under control. When a cataract is formed or there has been an eye injury, probably use an ophthalmologist, a veterinary ophthalmologist.


Just because a cataract is present, this does not necessarily mean surgery. TheSize and position are factors in the treatment of cataract. If the cataract is large or very dense, then complications can be controlled with medication.

It 'entirely reasonable to expect to keep your blind cat to have a good life, even if he is. Keep it in the house protects it and keep things in one place, so it can learn the ways of her toys, bedding, food and popular areas. Keep to obscure the light helps him see better what's eyesleft.

A puncture of the eye lens or larger congenital cataracts are the most likely candidates for surgery. Some cat owners do without cataract surgery, which is caused by uveitis. Uveitis already caused an inflammation of the eye, so surgery can just lead to more inflammation, pain and complications.

Other considerations

The analysis pre-op, surgery and postoperative checks of $ 1,500 to $ 3,000 to run. Then there are the drugs post-operatively. The choice of a low monthly cat health insurance program helps with the financial burden. certainly reduces the need for a cat eye care decision based on limited financial resources.

Cataracts in cats are rare. As part of the treatment program of the cat's eyes, a few minutes to check your cat's eyes. If you notice cloudiness, watery eyes, strabismus or a significant change in the eyes of your cat or navigation, look to your veterinarian> Cat Eye care and support. Not all cataracts warrant surgery. A blind cat can be a normal, happy in life and with proper eye medications.

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