
Pet health problems and behavior

As I said, stray cats make great pets, but are sometimes problems with a range of health and behavior. Most are about an attack by external and internal parasites, including fleas, ticks, and numerous species of worms. 'm also usually do not receive vaccinations and can carry a variety of infectious diseases. These deadly diseases can all be bitten by a cat from a widespread, saliva or sharing food or mutualCare. Within a stray, it is not right, your veterinarian can mean a death sentence for any cats you may already have at home. Stray could also use vehicles designed to harm or other animals at a time. Breaks, sprains, abscesses, eye disorders, internal injuries or other structural problems may arise that ultimately cost much to treat. In addition, many people stray much attention to the rigors of the road.Often remain so for the rest of their lives, perhaps the heating of only a few people - that being one.

While this sounds ominous, does not give up loses. If your veterinarian immediately involved and have no other pets, stray may be only a good job. After all, difficult to make an animal enough to be on the street deserves a second chance. For owners who have their cats neutered, a number of undesirable behaviors may emerge. Men want to getand wander outside the area in search of females and to assert and defend what they perceive as their territory. Will almost certainly get into fights with other males, and run the risk of being injured by a vehicle or one of the many spray urine is infected the whole house and most Likely quite vocal in his attempt to tell you he wants out.
intact females venturing outside will almost certainly become pregnant over and over and could alsogetting into fights with other cats, males and females. As a man, could also expose themselves to injury or infection, can lead to death. If kept in the apartment, she cries and leaves perhaps marking with urine and blood stains - all in all, every relationship unhappy owners of the animals.

Unity of race is strong among all intact cats. At that time a male or a female cat has started 6-8 months old, and shows an instinctive need to find a partnerwill always be less playful and more competition in cats of their own gender.

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